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Sixth Grade FAQ

Welcome to the SMS Eagle Family!

Our most popular topics for incoming sixth graders are answered for you.

Where do I find information?
The SMS website is updated daily.  All back-to-school information will be posted there. At the end of this school year you will automatically be rolled up to receive ParentSquare communications from Snoqualmie Middle School instead of your current elementary school. 

Laptops will be assigned during the first week of school.

Lockers are assigned to sixth and seventh graders and are optional for eighth graders. Eighth graders who would like a locker can sign up in the office during the first week of school.

School supplies
A list of needed supplies can be found on the district website.

Cell phone usage
Cell phones (as well as AirPods, earbuds, and headphones) are not allowed to be used during school hours, including class time and passing periods. Students will be asked to leave these devices in their lockers (for sixth and seventh graders) or in their backpacks (eighth graders). Students will be able to use these electronics during lunch. If you haven’t read through this important policy change, it is located in our SMS Student Handbook on page 16.  

Bus routes
Bus routes can be found on the SVSD website.

Arrival and dismissal
The bell schedule is driven by transportation needs and can change each year.  For the 2024-2025 school year we start at 7:30 a.m. and end at 2:24 p.m. 

Families should use Schoology for teacher communication and to track daily work, missing assignments, and grades.

Families should use Skyward to maintain current family contact information, track attendance, and check final grades.

Sixth graders can participate in cross country, girls soccer, wrestling, and track and field.

Sports physical
A current sports physical is required and should be uploaded online when you register for sports.  Physicals for new sixth graders must be dated Jan. 1 or later in the calendar year the student enters sixth grade and will be valid for two years.